What Are Vitamins And Their Classifications 2021 In Simple Words.


The organic compounds that can not be produced by the body but are necessary for life, growth and health are known as Accessory dietary factors or vitamins. The vitamins are not structural building units.They simply transform energy into action.

What Are Vitamins And Their Classifications

Classification of Vitamins : Vitamins are classified into two groups

i) Water soluble vitamins: Vitamin B, complex and vitamin C

ii) Fat soluble vitamins: Vitamins A, D, E and K

The important Vitamins are as follows

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Vitamin A

Its chemical name is Retinol. It has the following structure.

What Are Vitamins And Their Classifications

Sources: Milk, liver, butter, egg yolk, carrot spinach, cod liver and shark lever

It is essential for growth and for vision. A lack of vitamin A results in night blindness, loss of weight, hardening of cornea (Xerophthalmia), drying up and scale formation (keratinization) of epithelial tissues.

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Thiamine (aneurin)

What Are Vitamins And Their Classifications

Sources : Polished rice, yeast, egg, in all cells as its pyrophosphate ester, certain vegetables.

Its deficiency causes a disease beriberi. It also affects the nervous system and the symptoms are weakness. headache loss of appetite.

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Riboflavin (lactoflavin):- ft is bright yellow powder showing a green fluorescence.

What Are Vitamins And Their Classifications

Sources: Yeast, green vegetables, milk, meat, liver, kidney. Its deficiency causes lips, mouth and tongue are usually sore, eyes burn.

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(Pyridoxine, Adermin)

What Are Vitamins And Their Classifications

Sources : meat, fish, egg yolk and whole cereals.

It causes nervous disturbances and convulsions. Along with this, deficiency of Vitamin B6 also leads to malabsorption disorders.

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 Vitamin B12 is a very important vitamin that helps in making DNA and blood. In India, people have the highest deficiency of vitamin B12 because this vitamin is found more in animal products. It contains the element cobalt.

What Are Vitamins And Their Classifications

Sources -liver, meat, egg and rain water.

Lack of B12 - Causes pernicious Anaemia.

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Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

Sources : Fresh fruits, orange, lemons, grapes, green vegetables and potatoes. During cooking the large proportion of it is destroyed and the process is accelerated by traces of copper.

What Are Vitamins And Their Classifications

It helps in proper healing of cuts and abrasions. Its deficiency Causes scurvy. Which is characterised by weakness, tendency for bleeding in the muscles.

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Vitamin D

It consists of about ten compounds which are designated as D1, D2,  D3, etc. The D2 is calciferol, found in egg, milk, cod liver oil. It is formed by U. V. irradiation of ergosterol.

What Are Vitamins And Their Classifications

Vitamin D regulates absorption of calcium and phosphaté from the intestine and promotes the formation of bones. A lack of vitamin D causes rickets (bones become soft; common in children) and osteomalacia modified form of rickets in adults, during pregnancy. Vitamin D is cholecalciferol.

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Vitamin E

The three closely related compounds comprising vitamin E are ᾳ,𝛽 and 7-tocopherol.

What Are Vitamins And Their Classifications

Sources of ᾳ,𝛽: wheat germ, seed germ oils, cotton seed oil, green leaves

Sources of  - cottonseed oil.

The most potent is a -tocopherol. Its deficiency causes loss of reproductive sterility. Hence it is also known as "anti- sterility" Vitamin.

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Vitamin K

It is also known as coagulation or anti-haemorrhagic Vitamin. It consists of compounds K1, (phylloquinone) and K2, (menaquinone 6(K2(30), menaquinone- 7(K35)) menaquinone-9(49) indicating the number of isoprene units.

What Are Vitamins And Their Classifications

Sources :- green plants, fish, egg yolk and liver.



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