World Photography day is annually celebrated on 19th August. The idea behind to celebrate this day is to bring together photographers around the world, to create meaningful and positive changes in our society through the power of photography. The motive behind to celebrate this day to encourage photographers in all over the world and also inspire them to share their memory or craft and art with peoples globally.

World Photography Day

World Photography day is also celebrated to pay tribute to some brilliant photos of photographers. There are many photos in this world that spread happiness, love, and also inspire peoples. There are also some memorable photos that tells the story of that photo. After all, we all know that a single photo tells one-thousand words.

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World Photography Day : HISTORY

The picture or photograph is always play an important role in our life. It is part of our life from thousands year but the difference is that at ancient time photo or picture is drawn by hands. But today, as we all know maximum photograph are clicked or prepared by cameras.

World Photography Day

The origin of World Photography day dates back to 1837 when the Daguerreotype, the first commercially successful photographic process, was invented in French by Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre teamed up with Mr. Niepce. However, this camera mechanism is very different from today’s camera.

On 1839, the french Academy of Science do some minor modification in this camera and later on August 19, the French government purchased this camera patent from Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre and made it free to manufacture this camera to the entire world. That is why World Photography day is celebrated on August 19

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World Photography Day : THEMES 

In 2018, the theme of World Photography Day was Understanding Clouds. In 2019, the theme of World Photography Day was “Dedicated to History”, and in 2020 the theme was Pandemic Lockdown through the lens

World Photography Day

And For 2021, the great way to celebrate this beautiful day would be to encourage photographers globally and organize The Gorgeous Shot charity contest. It helps to find the best shot of 2021 and also help some poor childrens in this tough time.

You may also shares beautiful pics on social media with the world. Also, use this hastag #National_photography_day to share beautiful photos on social media.

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The World Photography Day : QUOTES

1. “World’s Photography Day… Is not a single phrase, it is an emotion… ”

2. “The Best Thing About Photographs Is That It Never Changes. ”

3. “There Is One Thing The Photograph Must Contain, the Humanity of the Moment.”

4. “Focus on the Good Quality in Everyone….

Capture that Quality in Every Person…. 

And Delete the Negativity from the World.”

5. “I Like Photographs Which Leave Something to the Imagination”

6. “To see and Show the World in a Different Way…

the Photography helps you in Real way….”

7. “Camera can’t capture photos…

It captures our beautiful moments...”

8. “When I have a camera in my hand, I feel no fear.”

9. “Their is always two people in every picture; the photographer and the viewer.”

10. “A true Photograph need not be Explained… nor can it be contained in words…

A true photograph explained everything without words...”

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National Camera Day :- 29 June

1. In this world, around 3.5 billion peoples click pictures in every day. Clicking pictures is now a part of our day to day life. But as we all know, for clicking picture we need camera. This camera is now a most important device, that may help to capture our beautiful memories.

World Photography Day

When the first camera Obscura made by Arab scholar, lbn al-Haytham, the world get a new path to store thing that is written or drawn on paper to in this device known as Camera. And to remember this day, the National Camera Day is celebrated on 29 June. This day is dedicated to camera and photography lover.

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